Sunday, February 15, 2009

Another Feschrift for Dunn?

 I was just told by a friend that another feschrift for Jimmy Dunn has been announced by McKnight and company. The first was, The Holy Spirit and Christian Origins: Essays in Honor of James D. G. Dunn, published by Eerdmans, 2004. James Dunn is famous for taking E. P. Sanders view that Paul misunderstood Jewish soteriology in the first century as a works-righteous system to a more logical coherence (and less attribution of error on the part of Paul). This site 
is a list of the various issues that surround this "New perspective." 

 There is a two volume set, Justification and Variegated Nomism, which is written by a wide spectrum of scholarship that tackles headlong the shortcomings of this New Perspective school. 

 This new group of essays on Dunn should be an interesting read.



The Catholic Journeyman said...

R.E.A. - enlighten me, whats a Feschrift and why is Dunn Significant?

R. E. Aguirre. said...

A feschrift is a German word that basically means a group of scholars in a particular field writing a number of essays on a given topic in honor of someone.

Dunn is a liberal Anglican scholar who is best known for his views on Paul's understanding of Jewish soteriology, I don't really find Dunn or that school compelling at all.